Fruit is food that possesses a seed within itself which is surrounded by pulp and a protective skin. There are different parts of the fruit such as the stem, seeds, and skin, all of which have some nutrient value.
This blog serves to answer many of the questions surrounding vegetarianism in general, fruitarianism specifically. Again, be free in your spirit to address anything you'd like regarding the topic at hand in your comment(s). Bear in mind that, as much as is in my knowledge/abilities as a healer, I will answer from three perspectives: One, an African scientific perspective, because it is the oldest science on the planet, and African peoples spent thousands of years observing natural phenomena and were thus equipped to deal with the intracacies of life; two, a medical perspective, fusing the fields of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry; and three, an optimal eating perspective. Food must contain all its biochemical and electromagnetic properties, and must digest efficiently without leaving waste products in the system.
Seeds contain the genetic code of the fruit and can only be digested after soaking them overnight to remove enzyme inhibitors. It's good to avoid political terminology such as "nuts and seeds" because all nuts are seeds. Peanuts, however, are botanically classified as legumes. Legumes are seeds encased within a protective shell that generate a new plant.
Seeds are harder on the system to digest than the pulp and digestible skins of most fruit, and tend to leave a slimy mucoid paste on the teeth and gums. Seeds are also acidic. This applies to all except almonds, which are high in calcium and protein.
Though seeds have protein, calcium, and provide us with some of the 140+ minerals our bodies need, they are not optimal food because of the strength needed to digest them. They must therefore be chewed thoroughly into a paste, and it's a good idea to use a neem stick or licorice root to clean the teeth and gums after eating.
The cattle industry now holds hands with the vegan supplement industry in pushing B-12 capsules and powders on consumers. Nutritionists and dietitians are also supporting this nonscience, claiming you can only get this mineral from animal products.
There are several problems with this antiscience. First, a healthy intestinal tract supplies enough B-12 for a wo/man to thrive. If you're a vegan and believe you must supplement, why not expend your resources of time, energy and money into buying foods and herbs that will heal the colon? Heal the colon, you'll have your B-12. If you must, sea vegetables such as kelp, nori, and dulse have a high amount of all the minerals you'll need to thrive.
Secondly, we must ask ourselves how the original human beings obtained their B-12 if they were fruitarians/raw vegetarians. Original wo/man was much healthier and didn't possess the means by which to destroy their intestinal tract with air pollution, urban water treatment, and fake food such as Twinkies, veggie dogs, soda and Frosted Flakes. Thus, their B-12 was intact.
Heal the gut, restore B-12.
Protein requirements are small for a healthy being. The Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) given us by government agents known as dietitians* are much too large. And, because I'm an African who understands that 90% of the world's population is melanated (brown and black), I must inject the Truth about melanin, a biochemical that promotes efficiency in bodily functions. Thus, protein requirements are even smaller for those with more melanin contained within.
Furthermore, the fruitarian receives proten through eating a wide variety of energetic food without counting calories, fat grams, and daily percentages. The food industry is political. Remember this...
Weight loss occurs when one ceases to ingest toxic substances such as starch, sugar, dairy and meat. Meat is all animal flesh, thus there's no such thing as a lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, or even a flexitarian, someone who eats every substance their emotional center tells them to eat. These are also political terms and allow the junk food eater to pacify their diseased emotional state by claiming vegetarianism. If you drink milk or eat fish, then we must act as those of the highest order and say so: "I'm not a vegetarian, because I eat fish and chicken," or, "I love milk and cheese, and therefore I'm not a vegetarian."
This blog advocates an African medicinal view of life and healing disease. The word vegetarian stems from the Latin "vegeta" which translates roughly into, 'that which brings life.' So we cannot aptly say, "I'm not a meat eater/milk drinker, but I eat fish, chicken, and eat feta cheese." These toxic substances are not digested by the body, which explains the heavy feeling after eating them. Some say, "But I use the toilet after eating meat." The body created extra mucous to help the carcass slide out of your digestive tract so that you would live and not die.
Most Africans cannot digest calf's milk because we don't have lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest milk sugars. Especially when it's pasteurized. Just because our diet has been changed due to enslavement, war, encroachment by foreign powers, does not mean it's our original diet. And no, European wo/men aren't designed to ingest calf's milk, either. Just bear in mind that if you're melanated, you will pay for eating toxic foods with your very life before someone who is not, based on your melanin template creating more of this substance.
One whose weight is over/underweight will experience weight loss/gain, depending on what work the body needs to do.
In case there are still doubters, check my main pic and you'll see what 1 year of eating mostly fruit, walking at least 5 miles a day, occasional windsprints and push-ups, and a sound mind will do for the human body. For the record, I haven't done sit-ups in 10 years, but if you take a look at my photo album you'll find that you don't need a gym or sit-ups to have powerful stomach muscles.
Much love to y'all. Peace.
~Hondo Solomon, C.H.H.C., aka, "Fruitarian All-Star"